Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6, 2009


First off, I'm doing absolutely wonderful and it sounds like all of you guys are doing awesome as well! This week President decided to visit our house which was perfectly clean! I do have to say thank you Mom and Dad for teaching me how to keep things clean and organized. I just cant live other wise! (Thank you Tennison for appreciating our child slavery.)

I absolutely loved conference! It was really cool because there is a senior couple that is in our zone and they have preference pretty much over everyone and so they got a room for the American missionaries to watch conference in English! I did have to watch the Sunday morning session in Spanish because we took investigators, but I did understand a lot more than in the last conference, but it's still hard to just sit and listen in Spanish for two hours! I kinda started to fall asleep at the end but it was great! I don't know if you heard much of the Saturday afternoon session but Elder Cook totally quoted me! haha O.K. it was "Lord Tennyson" but hey close enough right!? Well from listening to conference I realized the importance of Faith and Temple work. For me that's what I saw the theme as! Also from listening to President Monson and his Apostles strengthens my testimony of them as our prophet and Apostles here on the earth today guiding the church under the direction of Christ! I just love listening to their counsel!

Oh, also in my last area they had a stake conference and the zone leaders there (Elder Francis, one of my old companions) commented to Elder Romney that like all of our converts were there! It makes me happy to know that they are still staying strong in the church! It will be awesome to see them sealed in the temple! Yeah its freaking sweet with Elder Romney as my Zone leader he's so funny!

I received a card from Grandma which was wonderful and very sweet of her! Tell her Thanks for me Please! Well I love you guys and pray for each one of you guys daily! Take care!

Elder Hunter
March 31, 2009

Hey Mom,

Sorry, I didn't have the chance to email you yesterday. We had to go to a family home evening which is like an hour to an hour and a half from here and basically took all the evening which is usually when we come to email! Well, I'm glad to hear about everything that is happening at home and seems to be going good! Thanks for MAKING Bryson email me. I'm glad he misses me so much! haha I did love his email simple and I guess you could say sweet!

WEll about my investigators we have one named Lupis. She is cool and we have taught her everything! She just needs to get her three times in church before we can baptize her and it's hard because she has to work in a pharmacy and its hard to find time, but I think not this Sunday but the next we should be able to baptize her! I hope! Next is a lady named Maria Do Los Angeles, we have to get her married and then she will be totally ready to be baptized! I hope to get this done this week which would be awesome! WE also have Lucio and Norma which are awesome people and seem interested! We just found them last week and they couldn't go to church on Sunday but hopefully this Sunday they will be able too! WE also had the confirmation of Hermana Juana this Sunday. Her and her daughters are so cute! It's funny when we first started visiting them only the daughter would listen to us. The mom didn't want anything to do with us then one day I asked her if we could talk to her and what she thought about the church, well, I think that's all she needed was someone to show interest. Now they are strong members that go every Sunday which is so awesome! There is nothing better than to see all your converts every Sunday in church with you! It's so awesome! I'm loving it out here! Take care! I love you guys!

Some Pictures:

Walking in the fields

Magician in the Ward

Family Camargo

Krispy Kreme

Love Elder Tennison Hunter
March 23, 2009


Well, sounds like the weather is still Utah weather back home! (I told him it was snowing.) Here in Mexico the weather never changes, it's always exactly the same every single day. Sunny but not too hot! haha. It's perfect! (Rub it in.) My companion is doing a lot better now! We're going to be together for at least another six weeks which is so great! Oh also, I'm not super sure about this but I think my new zone leader is Elder Romney my trainer or 'dad' is you would say in missionary terms but I hope he is, that would be so sweet!

WE got two investigators to church on Sunday. Well really they just went on their own. WE had stake conference and well my companion ni yo knew where the stake center was so we kind of got lost but ended up finding it! After the service we had a baptism of Hna Juana. Yeah, I actually got to get wet again. haha I had the wonderful opportunity of baptizing her!

It was really cool because we baptized her daughter about 3 weeks ago and now her so it was really cool! Chilango is the way people speak Spanish in Distrito Federal and well por aca tambien! Wow sorry some things are just so much easier for me to say in Spanish because that's all I speak 24/7 and its awesome! Yeah! My Spanish is doing great now! I can converse with people really easy and don't have to translate in my head! It's awesome! I'm also learning words that I probably shouldn't be learning from our cholo friends that are always drunk. It's sad to see, but oh man they are hilarious!

Well if you are wondering the importance of studying the scriptures here is a scripture that should pop you up on your toes and make you want to study D&C 131:6 Yeah I think it states it pretty clear the importance of knowing the gospel!

We knocked doors all day Tuesday and Wednesday and yeah didn't find anyone which was kind of discouraging because here it's pretty easy to find people but there are those days when it is hard! On Thursday we found a family and Friday also so it was way sweet! We'll see what happens. I'm pretty sure that they will go to church this Sunday, but we'll find out when Sunday comes!

Well that stinks for B-rice (He got his wisdom teeth out) but hey, at least it only happens once in your lifetime. I'm guessing he probably can't move his mouth and it is very frustrating I'm sure! haha! Well B-rice take it easy and freak write me once in a while.

Love you guys!

ELder Tennison Hunter