Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 16, 209

Hola Familia,

So this week has been great! My companion has been having a little bit of a tough time because of things that have happened in his house, but we continue to work hard and really search the scriptures daily. It's freaking awesome! Well, I feel like time is just flying right now, it's so crazy! But I absolutely love it! I really don't know what to say. This week hasn't been super interesting. Well, actually, I learned some things about the church yesterday that I really didn't know existed and that really gave me the desire to really study the scriptures because wow there is so much in the scriptures that I don't even know! Our ward mission leader knows a ton about the scriptures and then our Bishop knows the church doctrine so well! They have really helped me to find answers to some questions that I have had and wow all I can say is that there is no no no no no way that the church could be false or be established by some man. There are just so many things that existed in the past and we do them exactly the same now in the present time!

This week I've learned a ton with some help and it's been awesome! I'm glad that you guys had fun this weekend and at Hali's wedding! That's sweet that her husband (woa, that's kinda weird to say, but suave at the same time) can speak Spanish and served in Mexico City! Yeah, Im totally learning how to speak chilango, it's awesome! My companion is pro at it! So he's been helping me! It really helps when we do our contacts, because the people can see that we are normal and gives them the interest of listening to us! It's just awesome here I love it!

I found out that I'm living in one of the magical towns in Mexico there are only ten in Mexico and I'm living in one. How sweet is that! I found it pretty interesting! Oh yeah and sorry about the English it's starting to become a little hard to speak and think in English unless I'm talking with a greengo! My companion wants me to speak English with him and I try to but a lot of times it's just so much easier to speak in Spanish! I don't know it's probably a little weird but it's so true! I love it! Well I'm loving life and working super hard mom so don't worrry! I'm trying to be as obedient as possible! Well love you guys!

Tennison's Apartment Building

View from Tennison's apartment

Elder Hunter working in the rain!

Elder Hunter wanting to eat a HUGE hamburger.

Well love you guys!

Elder Hunter

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