Thursday, December 3, 2009

Short and Sweet. . .


This week was great! Nothing too exciting happened! Well, we did have two confirmations this week which was great! OH also we got to eat carne asado and oh my gosh it was so good! I ate so much I think I might have gained some pounds from that! But good thing we have the privilege of going to the gym. It really helps out a lot! Oh yeah, with the gym thing- - we basically run a mile every morning to get there, which is awesome, then we lift for an hour and usually run home. It's awesome! It also makes it tons easier getting up in the morning! Now I get out of bed at 5:30 without a problem! It's great!

Also this week we found this lady that was so excited to talk with us! So we got in and gave the first charla then left her the pamphlet. When we came back the next day she had read it twice just to make sure that she understood everything right. It was really cool. Then she went to church with us on Sunday! It was really an awesome experience! I Really just love missionary work it's awesome! Well I hope everything is going well at home! Take care and I love you all!

Elder Hunter


•stephanie• said...

sounds like the gym is working well for these two.
i think that's awesome.
i wish i was as excited to wake up at 5:30 to go work out.
it'd probably do me some good!

~vickie~ said...

Gratitude. That's the best word I can find to explain my feelings about Elder Hunter. . . and you too Julie.