Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November 23, 2009


Well to start off, I did get the package. I really thought that I had said something about that but I guess that it slipped my mind. The cookies were amazing! Thanks a ton for that, and the shirts. . . umm . . . yeah, I'll tell you about those later. jk No really I gave them to Marco and Marcos who well don't have much and wanted to go to church with white shirt and ties like everyone else so they will be really useful there, but thanks a ton! Glad to hear that everyone is doing well! Can't believe how huge Bryson is. He kind of makes Nick look small, and the rest (of the cousins) I can hardly recognize they have grown so much!

My companion is doing great he really helped in getting two people baptized this week. We went to Mexico DF for an appointment that he had and oh that was freaking sweet! I got to ride in the metro and it was just really fun. It really is so easy to get around down there. I liked it a lot! Anyways, when we got back he was reading some of the conference talks and he asked me who we were going to visit right now and I told him that we were going to visit Dalia and Emilio and he said that he felt like they need to hear this (the conference talk). So I was like O.K., cool, because I really had no idea of what else to teach them because they basically have heard all of the discussions. Then we went and read some of the talk and talked about it with them. After that, I started to talk about baptism and they finally accepted their baptismal date which was awesome! So they got baptized on Saturday and confirmed on Sunday. It was awesome! They were so happy!

Me, Emilio, Dalia, Elder Cozzens

We had another baptism on Sunday, of a guy named Antonio. This is also a really cool story. The first time I contacted him he said he was studying with the Jehovahs Witnesses and that he needed time and so he told us to come back in three weeks. Well we went back in three weeks and he said he still didn't know. Well me being necio asked if we could just share a quick message with him like ten minutes, and so he let us in and we gave him the lesson of the restoration and started talking and stuff. We ended up staying for like an hour and at the end he said I really like this stuff, you guys actually listen to me. Oh, it was great so he went to church for three weeks and got baptized yesterday it was awesome! Well we were changing before going back into the room with everyone else and he told me that he felt different and I asked him how? He said he felt really peaceful and tranquil and I told him it was of God letting him know that he made the right decision. It was awesome!

Me, Antonio and Elder Cozzens

It is really important that we always have the spirit with us in all that we do! My companion and I have been talking a lot about this lately and sometimes we don't really feel like the spirit is with us when all of a sudden some miracle happens and we are kind of stunned. Something I have really realized especially here in the mission field is that even though sometimes we don't have the spirit with us, but if we are doing the right thing we WILL be guided and we WILL see miracles in our lives. Come to think about it, I have had a ton of experiences like that throughout my whole life (even though I am only 20) but really we sometimes don't realize the fact until way later. For example the two baptisms we had of Dalia and her son Emilio was an example of following the spirit when we didn't even realize it!

Oh by the way, I'm so jealous that you got to talk to Hayley! haha Actually, I really don't know who to be more jealous of you or her. But hey. one more month and I will be talking with you guys! CRAZY!!!!!

Well everything else is going well. Oh we also had interviews with president this week he gave my companion and I permision to go to the gym which is awesome! I love president, he's just a great guy!

Oh the Christmas package, lots of skittles and starbursts would be great! and well whatever else you think would be enjoyable! Thanks a lot for everything! Love you guys!

Elder Hunter


•stephanie• said...

this whole letter made me smile (and only a little bit of tears). i love these boys so much. and, yes, even though they're "only 20" they are amazing.

~vickie~ said...

I love Elder Hunter, because he is helping Elder Cozzens love his mission. Miracles all around. And God Bless the good people in their area.