Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 1, 2010


I'm so glad to hear that everyone is doing awesome at home! Well first things first. I got the card and christmas card and money from grandma! Please tell grandma thanks for the money! I told the district that if we doubled our goal for the month, I would take them out for tacos! That would be 18 baptisms, which I kind of doubt but we have the people in enseƱanza so it would really be awesome if we can reach that goal!

Zone conference was awesome! I always love what president has to say! You can really tell that he really loves us and wants the best for all of us in the mission and more importantly after! Also, we had three baptisms this week and two confirmations. Really, the Lord is just blessing us like crazy and its awesome! I've really been able to see everything I've learned throughout the mission come together in these last few months. Now the hard part is helping all the other Elders in my district get to the same point where I am at and well it seems to be coming along little by little!

Well I love you guys! Take Care!

Love, Elder Hunter


•stephanie• said...

i think our boys all have such a great love and respect for president nancollas. i know i do, too, and i've never even met him. i liked what he said about wanting the best for them in their mission and more importantly, after. drew has said similar things. what a wonderful influence and example he is for them. i'm so grateful - especially since i know this isn't the case in every mission.

if things work out for you to come in april, that would be great. we'd love to see you!

~vickie~ said...

Tennison is such a patient person. I can see how he really wants the other Elders to know and feel and teach the way he does, but he understands that the will absorb it line upon line, precept upon precept. He is a good leader to have that understanding of human nature.

I second what Stephanie said about President Nancollas wanting the best for these young men in their mission and more importantly, after. In a recent email he sent to Ken and I, President mentioned that he wants the best for Chase, his future wife and his unborn children. This man has and eternal perspective - not just 2 years!

All of our boys are very blessed to have President and Sister Nancollas.