Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April 12, 2010

Hello Family,

I'm perfectly fine! This week went really good . . . since I'm the so called "big dawg" (response to mom's comments) zone leader! Actually, my companion and I decided to let everyone in the zone know that we are really here to help them with whatever they need, so we went and visited every companionship at their houses. Yeah, it took a lot of time because we don't have a car but went in combis. We did this on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. It was a really cool experience because we were able to help and really got to know the missionaries in our zone! Also it seems like we are doing really good as a zone! If I didn't have such awesome district leaders it would be a lot harder! My companion is also a great help so I don't feel like I'm doing everything alone!
Well sounds like things are still crazy at home! So sounds like b-rice has a friend as big as him and with somewhat of the same personality! Is he kinda like another Tui in the house? Tell Beau to remember that the church is a church of order but sometimes we are all about order over matter and sometimes forget to think of what would Jesus do? We just have to be patient and understand that there is something we can learn from these experiences. But that is awesome that Beau got to go and baptize Ryo.
Well we had a some great experiences this week. We were teaching this family that we found this week and the little kid ( about 2 years old) was really sick. While we were teaching, he started throwing up like crazy. I felt really bad for him, so at the end of the lesson we explained priesthood blessings to them and they asked us to give him one so we did. The next day he was feeling a lot better. It was really cool. Also we were looking for an inactive member and knocked on the house where we thought they lived and this kid came out and was like all happy to meet us. We talked with him and he told us that he had talked to the missionaries before and been to church many times, so we invited him to be baptized on the 18th and he said he didn't know. On Sunday we were unable to attend our ward cause we had meetings in the stake center, but after our meetings we went right back to our ward and he was there and said that he wanted to be baptized and wanted to know what he had to do. That was a huge blessing! So we have an appointment with him on Tuesday to get him all prepared! I'm super excited! We are still looking for that same inactive member. We asked some people in the street if they knew him and they were like "no, maybe its the next street", so I decided to contact these same people and they invited us in their house and we shared a message with them. It was a young couple and they were really interested in everything! The only sad part is . . they won't be able to go to church for two weeks, but I really think they are going to progress! So it was really an awesome week! we worked super hard and were able to see the hand of the Lord in this work!
McKay Happy Birthday!!!!! on Friday!
Thanks so much for everything! I love you guys!
Elder Hunter

1 comment:

•stephanie• said...

i'm sure he's an AWESOME big dawg.
(here's a secret . . . i miss getting emails!)
77 days will pass before you know it.