Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19, 2010


How is everyone doing? I'm doing well. This week was a really tough week. We worked really hard and found lots of people, but we weren't able to take any to church which was really hard. . especially when I should be the example here in the zone. But we do have a lot of people that we are teaching that can progress. . . we just have to pray really hard and teach according to the spirit! WE did have a miracle. That guy, Margarito that I told you about got baptized on Sunday which was really cool to see, and later that night he went with the Elders quorom president to do his family home teaching. It's awesome to see his progress already in the church! Sorry forgot my camara but next week I'll send you some pictures!

Something on a little bit more of a sad note . . Do you remember Saloman Jaar? (He was on my soccer team at Timpview. We are still in contact every now and then.) His dad died this past week on his way to the temple. If you could keep him in your prayers. Saloman right now is on a mission in Chile and said some really cool things in the article if you want to read it here is the link

Well we have zone conference this week and this will be the first time I get to direct one. I also have to prepare the teaching and everything for when president is done talking. My companion and I have to teach the zone a little bit about what we are going to be studying for the next 6 weeks so it will be fun!

Well that is really cool to hear that Taylor is all excited about going on the mission. There is nothing better he can be doing right now in his life! I don't know if there is a way to get me his email address or something. I would like to write him a letter.

Well you guys take care. I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well and that Beau is going to be able to become and Elder soon! That really is so exciting and it is a really important step he has to take in his life! Well thank you guys for everything! I love you all a ton!

Elder Hunter


•stephanie• said...

still love to get my weekly email "fix" here!
zone conference will be awesome.
he'll do a great job.

~vickie~ said...

so sorry to hear about his soccer friend's father.

Go Zone Leaders!
Thanks for keeping me posted on Elder Hunter.