Sunday, May 3, 2009

E-mail from April 20, 2009

Hey Mom and Family,

This week was pretty good! We are teaching tons of different people and teach a lot of lessons each week which is great! But, man. It's so hard to get people to go to church! Some people are so lazy here and really don't like change so it makes our work harder. But hey, what would I learn if everything came to me super easy. It's during the hard times that you learn the most. I´ve definitely been learning a ton about the gospel these last couple of weeks that I´ve been here! I feel like our bishop knows everything so whenever I get the chance we throw in a little chat about a gospel principle or something that I have a question about and he helps me to understand it better it's so cool! I´ve come to realize how much I really don't know about the gospel and how much I still have to learn, but it's awesome. I just have this burning desire to study every morning when I wake up and again when we return to the house at night its awesome!

Oh so I had an interesting thing happen this week I went to take out the mensualidad for the week and forgot my pin number not thinking I just kept putting in my card and trying a different number well after the third time the cajero ate my card! It's a 500 pesos to pay for a new one but don't worry that's not the charge you received! Well we went to La Comida at our ward mission leaders house and it just happened to be that his brother is jefe of the bank so he called his brother up and told him to open up the cajero and get my card out! Man was that such a relief! Also this week we were going to go to the temple but our ward mission leader had to get his recommend renewed and didn't get it renewed in time so looks like we´ll be going this Friday which I´m so excited!

Oh also I had to give a talk in church which was awesome! I used tons of scriptures and was able to explain most of my talk. It was really cool how I did it! I think most of the ward was really thinking about what I had said and the importance of it!(My talk was missionary work with a focus on baptism) At least I hope they were thinking about the spiritual message I had given, and not trying to translate my Spanish! haha

Mom I just want to tell you thank you so much for your little thought! Really this week has been kinda hard but I´m really starting to realize the importance of the gospel and living the commandments in our lives!

The Gospel is something REAL not just something we always talk about, something that if we really apply to our lives we will see the blessings!

Well I love you guys so much! Keep working hard and i´ll do the same!

Elder Tennison Hunter

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