Tuesday, June 2, 2009

May 25, 2009 E-mail


Me va muy bien aqui en mexico! no estamos teniendo un buen de exito pero estamos disfrutando la obra mucho! estoy aprovechando el tiempo para hablar con todos de todo realmente me está ayudando mucho con el idioma creo que ya puedo decir que casí estoy igual con español e ingles está bien padre! me encanta! bueno pues el obispo me dijo que me voy antes de este cambio que viene no le crei entonces hicimos un apuesta de una cena de chiles! jaja espero que no pierdo! pero a ver que pasa!

Well my companion is doing great and we are just working hard and enjoying everything that we can while we are here! Crazy . . . today I complete eleven months in the mission. It's gone by farely quick. It definitly goes by a lot faster when we have people to baptize but it's just so difficult here for some reason. As of right now it looks like we might have some prospects, but I´ll probably leave before seeing them get baptized which would be a super bummer. (Mom don't worry about translating the above part. I´m writing most of it here.)

This week the bishop and I made a bet because he said I´m gong to leave before this transfer which is suppose to take place this 15 of June but my bishop says I´m going to leave the 8th of June. So we made a bet of a dinner at Chiles, so pray that I don't loose so I can eat there free instead of having to pay! haha!

Well take care all of you guys! I love you! If you can all find some time to e-mail this week it would be superly appreciated! oh yeah, I did recieve your package mom and all the cards! Thank you guys so much! I also recieved a tie from Scott Heaton which has been passed around from all the T-View soccer players that are on missions! Well, actually I'm the fourth to recieve it! It's pretty cool! I think I´m going to send it to Sean Clark or Bryan Shumway! Whichever is easier! Love you guys!

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