Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24, 2009


Wow! Sounds like everyone is having a blast back at home. Yeah, just from the picture it looks like Mckay has grown a lot and still has time to grow. I'm pretty sure he'll be as big as me or bigger when I get back. Wow, that's so cool to hear everything that is going on back at home. It really makes me so happy to hear about all the fun things everyone is doing!

Well, I'm still here in Valle Dorado and it's great. We always bug Hna Clarita (that we live with) almost every night and she is always on my tail regarding writing to you guys. Haha. She's awesome! She made us pancakes this week and also for Elder Ficachi and Elder Glade. It was great! Oh, about the hybernating thing for 6 months, sorry but I don't think that's going to happen mom. Haha. (Inside joke, sorry can't share)

This week we received a reference from the visitors center of this lady who is totally prepared for the gospel. We just talked to her and she is just like wow it's so true! I loved it! She also found a Book of Mormon that her dad had and started reading it before we talked to her. It was cool! The only hard thing is that she has to work on Sundays so we have to see how we can help her with that. Other than that, it's been really hard to find people that are really ready. We have a ton of people that have gone to church once but then just don't go back. I really don't understand it. It kind of gets frustrating especially with how hard I'm working right now. When we finally get to the house at night we plan and I go straight to bed because I'm so tired! We are starting to see some blessings which is really cool!

So you want a list of 10 things that I like about mexico... hmmm......

1. they eat chile with everything
2. you can get wherever without having a car using micros or combis
3. you have to wait 3 to 4 hours after washing clothes for them to dry
4. they eat pizza with ketchup
5. if you didnt eat breakfast its really easy to find someone selling tamales
6. Tacos al pastor o they are so delicious
7. running out of water in the middle of a shower
8. all the people that think they know everything about the bible but really know nothing
9. all the teenagers taht try and practice their english but only know how to say whats you name 10. how all the churches are fenced in because of the crime! haha

So, there are ten quick things that I enjoy about Mexico. Really it was kind of hard to think of ten, but I'm sure there are a lot more. . . I just need more time to think!

Well I love you guys enjoy the week!

Elder Tennison Hunter

1 comment:

•stephanie• said...

i'd like to hear those top ten "david letterman" style.
they were awesome.