Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 15, 2010

Hey Family,

My week was great! We had a zone conference and it was really cool! President shared some really special stories with us and then really focused on the importance of always being prepared spiritually for whatever problem or trial we may have! It was way cool!

Well the members that are active in my ward are way cool. They always help us out and give us tons of food. It's awesome! The hard part is that their are a ton of inactives here and a lot just don't want to go to church. It can get kind of discouraging sometimes but we just keep working hard!

This week we sould have a baptism which I'm super excited for. She comes to church and does everything on her own. Really there are people prepared out there ready to receive the gospel! My companion is doing great and also the other Elders. I really love doing divisions and being able to help other Elders improve in the missionary work! We saw some miracles this week. I went and worked with Elder Jimenezs companion (yeah Jimenez is totallly in my district, it's so tight) but anyways we visited some people that hadn't gone to church in some time, but they went yesterday and looks like they might be getting baptized next week! It was really cool!

Oh the highlight of my week would probably be the bowling . . . it was sweet. I will send you some pictures of it! (I didn't get the pictures. . .). I'm glad to hear everything is going great at home!

Who is sleeping in my room!? (David) Has Mckay taken all of my clothes out and now using them!? (He will be so surprised at how much his little brother has grown, McKay admitted to using most of Tennison's clothes., we will need to go on a shopping spree when Tennison gets home)

Well that's about everthing! I love you guys!

Elder Hunter

P.S. I'm going to send more pictures of Teresa and Edgar's sealing:

Gorgeous Family! Contratulations!

Elder Martinez, Elder Romney, Edgar, Lalo, Teresa, Celsymar, Elder Hunter

Awesome Missionary Boys and Lalo!

Group from Tennison's First Ward in the mission!

Elder Bishop is holding up the little boy. . Great Missonaries!

The picture below made me laugh~

Two handsome boys (of course I'm prejudice).

(Note: Elder Romney's mom just informed me that Elder Romney and Elder Hunter will be reuniting as companions one last time. . . I'm very excited for them.)


~vickie~ said...

"dad" and "son" will be re-united again. What a fun and productive way for Elder Romney to end his mission and for Elder Hunter to near the end of his mission.

•stephanie• said...

It was/is - no doubt - a happy "family" reunion. I hope they work hard amid all the rejoicing! (I know they will.)